Well this week as food prices sky rocketed because of the greve or strike aqui in Brasil, we continue to teach people the gospel and help people have joy even when they're super stressed out.
Anyway, this week was a lot more trying to find people. (It seems like our area is a move to Europe haha). We did find one old man that invited himself to church before we could invite him and when we gave him the Book of Mormon he started reading that night. We walked by his house a half hour later and he was still reading!! Sadly, he went out of town this weekend so he couldn't come to church, but we're still excited to see what will happen with him!
Zone conference was this week and we learned how to teach by the Spirit even when you have to switch plans mid lesson. Also, how to bring joy to others and how to teach in a way that is more joyful.
And we had divisions this week were we both head to the area of the other sisters and we switched comps for the day. It was so fun learning about a new area and new teaching tricks.
This week I read in Alma 37:7 about how it's by small and simple things great this come to pass! Which is so true! Even when we do our part, sometimes it seems like nothing is changing and that we hardly accomplished anything, but in the end we will see the big changes that happened just because we did the small thins that we thought didn't have significance. Bottom line: don't forget to do the small things because it's only through those things that we can have those crazy awesome blessing and miracles come.
I love the gospel!! It's so true and it's for everyone and brings so much happiness to everyone!
Love you all sooo much!! Have a marvelous week!!!
Sister Neuberger
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