This week real fast!
Tuesday I got so cold!!! It was raining and it had to be like 30 degrees (Celsius) because I was using my blankets and a long sleeve t-shirt and drinking cha and still freezing. #truebrasi or more like #truecerenca
This week we taught some really great lessons and the Spirit was soooooo strong you could have cut it with a knife!!! THOSE ARE MY FAVORITE LESSONS TO TEACH WHEN THE SPIRIT IS NOT JUST TESTIFYING TO YOUR INVESTIGATOR, BUT ALSO TO YOU!!! AHHH THE GOSPEL IS TRUE!! HE LOVES ME AND YOU!!!!!! We also had a few investigators at church this week!!! So many small miracles we saw this week that lead to investigators in church. And so many less actives too!! And we finally scheduled an activity night for the ward members which we're super pumped about!!! Ahh, things are going great and the families here are just amazing. I love them all soo much!! I'm not ready to leave here or Brasil, so I think I'll just stay a little longer, a transfer or two, hahaha
I also made friends with a 4 year old this week as my comp and the other sisters where getting their capas de planajamento laminated. I made animals out of play-doh and had my portrait drawn (let me tell you it's igualzinho de minha cara kkkkk) Then the other day we passed by for my comp to buy a pen and I decided to talk to my little friend again (his name is Diego) and he gave me some popcorn #wereallyarefriends! He must have known that I always make pipoca em casa! Anyway my comp and I decided to teach his mom the plan of salvation right there and then !!!!!!! It was amazing! She loved it!! Sadly, they live in Fortaleza, but we passed their endereço para os missonarios la!
Also, had my last zone conference this week!!!!! I don’t believe it!! I was so nervous to give my last testimony in front of everyone because our zone is big. Anyway, I did it and it went well. I talked about the plan of happiness and mission and the atonement and miracles and just smiling everyday because we're all children of God and we get to share that message everyday!! Anyway it went well and I was smiling so much I couldn’t cry. Though my mouth was so dry because I was so nervous. I choked up on the word enfoque, mas after a few tries again it got out and I was on my way again. Then I sat down next to my comp and Sister Garcia and they were like, "You talk soooooooooo fast!!!!!! |You are really from the Ceará!!!" YES I AM!! I'M FROM BRASIL!!!!!!!!!!
Love you all soo much!!!
Sister Neuberger
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