We made cookies, well cookie dough, this week and then we realized that we don’t have a rack in our oven to cook thing. So we just ate the dough instead, which is still always delicious!
We also designed district t-shirts last week!! We’ll hopefully have them this week and then we can take pictures and I'll send them to you all.
This week was a fantastic week!! We had the baptism of Joana, a good friend to some of the youth in the ward which is great because we've been trying to help grow the amount of young women that are in the ward. We also got a few other young women to start coming back to church and a new girl just moved into the ward. So now the young women went from 3 to 7 which is great!! And Daundara the YW pres is so excited!!
We taught with Marina, a girl in the ward who plans to go on a mission in the next few months. She's awesome and we started teaching her friend. The lesson went really well, so when we were walking back to Marina’s house we had a dance party in the street and my comp was just like, "Oh my goodness I'm friends with crazy kids." haha.
We also had FHE with the groupo in Rosalina which was so fun! The family that hosted it this week put together some great getting to know you games and everyone felt so included it was awesome.
So being this was our final week of the transfer everyone one wanted to give us something so we got a lot of food hehe my favorite!! Vera made us bolo gelado which is basically homemade ice cream with chocolate soup so it was delicious!! We also ate a watermelon with Irma Nici and we were so stuffed by the end my comp had a food baby that Irma Nici thought was so funny. My comp was like, "Well it’s a few weeks overdue cause I finished nine months 4 weeks ago." Haha
Anyway so we got transfer calls at the end of the night last night after the baptism and it turns out me and my comp will be staying here in Jardim Uniao and actually our whole zone will stay the same! Were all excited for this transfer and our zone was picked to sing at the Christmas breakfast for the mission!
I like Alma 13:29 it tells us that as we have faith and a love of God that he will help us through anything and everything because he loves us!!
Anyway I hope you all havea fantastic week!!!
Love you all!!!
Sister Neuberger
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